Farm to Stay Open for 6 Months
Funding amounting to £36,000 has been received from funders including City and County of Swansea which has helped save the Farm from closure on 31 March.

Swansea Community Farm, which is an independent charity and has found funding harder to come by over the past few years, has received funding allowing it to stay open for 6 months whilst it revises its business plan and maps out its future in the city.
“We are really grateful to everyone who has helped and stood by us over the last few difficult months, and we would especially like to thank the City and County of Swansea for the funding that they have given us. We wouldn’t be able to stay open beyond March without it” said Director, Phil Budd.
“We are revising our opening hours for the public, and will ensure we inform everyone once we have confirmed what they will be.
Looking forward to 2017 is very exciting and a period of change that will benefit not only the Farm but we believe the people of Swansea. We have to ensure that we are more sustainable into the future and that the Farm is here for future generations to utilise and enjoy” he added.